easter morning was so fun! avery has been crawling up a storm and enjoyed waking up to new toys and fun with mom and dad. we spent the morning playing and getting dressed up for church. afterward i made rack of lamb with mashed potatoes and green beans. yum yum!

then klayton's siblings, carson and mckenzie, came over along with mallory and her friend, melissa, and we all had easter dinner! it was lots of fun to see everyone and enjoy the holiday. i got the chance not only to make my family's easter baskets, but mallory's as well. it's so fun to be a mom!!

i can't believe that my little 2 pound baby is now crawling and sitting and playing. this weekend she even stood up in her crib! klayton and i were standing in the room talking when she stood up holding on to the side of her crib. she then called, "DADA!" to get klayton's attention, then she growled and smiled so big like, "look at how freaking awesome i am!!" it was hillarious.

avery and i flew to vegas the day after easter. my little brother, zach, got his eagle scout on tuesday evening, so i got to be there for his court of honor and to help my mom with the cooking and prep. both of my grandmothers were there as well as all of my family's friends and it was tons of fun to be there for zach's special day. he is the coolest 16 year-old kid that ever was and i love him tons! i got to take avery swimming for the first time, but she was just enamoured with the dogs. she loves dogs! it was a perfect relaxing weekend. i love my family so much! i think that living far away is fun sometimes (even though i miss them!) because it makes getting back together that much more fun! my parents are the best and my two brothers at home are so sweet and great, especially with avery. we had tons of fun.

our husbands get together really well, too. :)

even the babies love each other! they kept holding hands at the table. it was adorable!
we got home yesterday afternoon and we have a lot to look forward to! avery turns one in a month and a half, and i am putting together the party of the century (though she won't have any idea what's going on) and i'm so excited! it's going to be a kiddie carnival in the park, so let me know if you have any good ideas! i can't believe it's april already, but i am so excited for spring! now if only the weather man would cooperate...
1 comment:
i loved the update. i am so in love with avery. i love her sweet face and her big brown eyes. looks like you've had a fun week. thats fun to have your sister around.
i want to party with Avery!
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