wow... last night's super bowl upset was incredible. i feel really bad for the patriots for blowing their entire perfect season in a few moments, but it was a great game. we had a few friends over to watch - my sister, klayton's brother (carson), glen, and derek, brooke and emma whipple. klayton ended up taking all of the guys into the kitchen to play monopoly after the halftime show while mallory, brooke and i watched the game and played with the kids in the living room. haha- i always knew that it would be weird to be married to a guy who wasn't a sports fan... but i never anticipated that his friends would all be the same! carson even fell asleep on our living room floor! totally weird. i had a blast, though, and hope that everyone else did too. i made WAY too much food but i happily sent most of it home with the starving college kids. here are some pics from our festivities...

carson thought it would be fun to wear all of my kitchen gear and stir the chili. he looks good in pink! he was in charge of brining drinks, so, of course, he bought the vanilla and orange cream sodas that are shaped like beers...ugh, boys... haha

i imgaine that a commercial was on since i caught all of the guys looking at the television...
emma and avery had fun playing together - and auntie mallory was a great referee
Your blog is super cute!! Lets be blog friends. Glad everything is going so well you seem amazingly happy :)
that is so funny. i love super bowl sunday. looks like fun at the tietjen house.
Hey Mands! I can't believe how much Mallory has grown up. I love when you put pics of your fam on your blog. Avery is super cute!
Yes, YEs, YES to BLENDS!!!! Are you in IDaho? Can we be friends in real life? Maybe watch the Baby Sitters Club movie (starring the girl from "the secret life of Alex Mack") ?
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