Wednesday, August 17, 2011

speaking of LSQ

My family are all big Conan fans, but I have to admit that I am more of a Jimmy Fallon girl. Maybe it's because I had a crush on him when I was 14. Maybe it's because half of the gimmicks he tries on the show completely bomb. Maybe it's because he's so Thank-ful. Maybe its because of this hilariousness. But whatever it is, he is my #1 nerdy late night guy.
As of last night my feelings for Jimmy have become a bit more involved, thanks to this!

Seriously. Wow. Vanilla ice cream, a salted caramel swirl and clusters of fudge covered potato chips. Yeah, that's right. Potato chips. K and I downed an entire carton while watching our recorded episode of The Great Food Truck Race (we are suckers for FoodNetwork reality shows. Can you believe K chose the Boston Grilled Cheese truck as his favorite to win!? Psh).
...In hindsight we probably should have actually watched Jimmy Fallon while eating. Huh. Oh well.
I should feel bad about eating this (insanely delicious) garbage just three days before my big race (the RUSH triathlon in Rexburg, ID!!!), but I just can't muster the remorse. Not with all of the training and stress I have been indulging because of said race. I even had a Hunger Games-style dream about it. I was riding my bike through the jungle while crazy-in-shape evil triathletes hunted me.
For real.
Some gross(ly amazing) ice cream is in order. Right?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Katelyn said...

I love coco and jimmmy too! oh, his thank you cards are the best!

good luck on your race! love your hunger games dream!!! that's crazy!

Anonymous said...

do you watch the Food Network Star? how did you feel about jeff winning? i thought suzi had it for sure...

Mandy said...

Yes!! We loved this season of FNS!! But we were big Jeff fans from the beginning. I have just seen too many great Mexican cooks on the FN get cancelled. They come up with these terrible and cheesy shows that no one watches! K and I mostly liked Jeff because he looks like the love child of French Stewart and Jimmy Fallon, though.