wow. it snowed hard core today. i didn't think much of it, though, until avery was very interested in army-crawling over to our patio door to look outside. so... i did what any loving mother would do... i bundled her up and took her outside for some pictures! i hadn't done this with her since the first snow in idaho back in october or november, and hopefully this will be the LAST snow of the winter, so i thought it only right. she looks sort of angry in all of the pictures, but she was just squinting because it was so bright outside, i think. she had

fun until i tried to get her to touch the snow. she didn't like that.
I can't believe how much snow Idaho is getting. Boise never gets snow and now my brother says he has to shovel his driveway all the time. What a good mom you are. I love that pic of Clayton holding Avery crying.
how adorable is Avery? how cute she is in her snow outfit.
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