Thursday, April 8, 2010


Check out this delicious snack and the amazing, magazine-style layout that my friend and old college roomie, Katelyn, put together on her blog. Kate and her family are so wonderful and talented- her blog is a major source of inspiration (and quite a bit of jealousy :D) for me. She also has three beautiful girls, a loving hubby, enough housekeeping/cooking/sewing/dancing/singing/graphicic designing skills to star in a one-woman show, and a photography business. Photobucket


Unknown said...

mandy we are blog peeps. LOVE IT. i just read your profile and the fact that avz only had to stay in the hospital for 8 weeks is crazy. Pre term babies usually have to stay in the NICU from the time they were born, to their estimated due date, if not longer. Yall are blessed. Sorry you have to go get NSTs all the time. I bet that the baby looks great on the EFM, and is not having any decels, and has moderate variability and a great baseline heart rate!!!!! I wish I was your nurse too. <3. hope all is well. new moon was so much better than the first movie.

Katelyn said...

thank you thank you thank you! you're the best mandy. I really appreciate you giving me a shout out!