Thinking about entering my 8th month of pregnancy a lot today. I know it's wrong of me to look forward to the end of this pregnancy so anxiously when all I should be feeling is blessed that I've made it this far! And I do feel blessed... tired and enormous... and blessed. I'm nearly 32 weeks along and I only made it to 28 with Avery (above with Klayton the day after she was born)!! So, despite the mood swings and the three-a-week doctor visits and the getting up off of the couch hips-first and did I mention the enormousness??... Anyway, despite all of that I am very grateful to still be cooking this little one. Did I mention that I'm 99% sure we have a name picked out? For that you will have to wait and wonder. :)
Hello. It was so much fun having you come over today. I think about this event all the time. Everytime I complain about being pregnant, and wanting him out, I remind myself ALL that you went through, when Avery did come out early. You are amazing you know that! Good Luck these next couple of weeks! We should have a party in July to celebrate that WE made it!!
I am so excited for you!!!! I'm so glad things are going well for you this time around!! Bake baby bake!!! :)Post some prego pics!!! :)
wow good luck!:D
Good luck on the rest! It does get rough at the end. The pic of Klayton above is soo sweet!
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