we went to the idaho falls zoo today! the weather was perrrfect. 80-something degrees and wonderful. klayton ditched work to come with mandy, cindy (my mom-in-law), the kids and me.

avery is always all-smiles around her cousins, but having animals to giggle and point at put her over the top.
at the kids petting zoo area ava and avery hopped on the mama hen and rode around...
and then all of the kiddies were hatched...

klayton saved avery from a vicious lion attack at the last minute! whew, that was a close one...

and avery enjoyed the scenery from atop her daddy's shoulders. way better than a guided tour.

the monkeys were her favorite. they would hoot and she would hoot back. grabbing onto klayton's head like that, i think she looks very monkey-ish. what do you think?
I wish I could play with Avery at the beach this week. Oh well
Avery is so dang cute. She is getting so big. I can't believe she's one. It goes by soooo fast. Hope we get to see you next time your in town.
Fun Fun Fun!!! We need to take Tietjen & Anna Belle again to the Zoo. It was so great to see you both last night. Oh, and I copied the quote from Sister Hinkley on to my blog... I loved it. Later
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