i am angry at m. night shyamalan. though i am the biggest wuss alive and can't handle scary movies at all, his creepy films are some of my favorites. i even liked (no, loved)
lady in the water, his latest, not-so-well-reviewed bedtime story movie. klayton and i own all of his movies and love to count down the days until a new one comes out in theaters. well, he is a big fat jerk and has decided to make his first R rated movie (i even heard that there is a preview out boasting about this fact! so lame),
the happening, coming out on friday the 13th. it looks so very good and creepy and klayton and i have been looking forward to seeing it all winter. now i can't even go and see it! sure, i'll clean flix it when it comes out on video, but it's not the same. i guess that m. night is going for a dialed up, crap-your-pants scare factor for this movie, but i hope that he realizes that he has now ruined my summer movie excitement. jerk.
amen amen amen!!!
Ryan and i even semi talked about going to see if and not telling anyone that we did. it would be our little secret....buuuuuuut we decided against it! i love reading your blog
I totally agree!!!! Good for you for not seeing it. Also - I liked Lady in the Water as well...good to know I have a friend. P.S. I am back in Idaho and might come down to the BUrg and IF. We should hang out!!!
How did you get your frenemies links like blog links?? Teach me your cool ways....
It really does not look that good and it was so cheesy when in the trailer it said, "M. Night's first rated R movie." Stupid. Be glad that you cannot see it because now you can have with Avery instead. :) Are you surviving the endless hamburgers and french fries? San Diego in a couple of weeks---Oh and a while ago I read A Thousand Splendid Suns by the author of the Kite Runner. It was really good I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.
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