Happy Friday! This made me giggle so I thought I'd share. Life here is good! I need to post pics from our little Babymoon this week. We had tons of fun. And, speaking of fun, I am going to a pastry class at Rush's Kitchen tomorrow and I can't wait! K enrolled me in the class for Christmas and I can't believe it's here already! Where has February gone? But I'll be sure to share my fabulous pastry tips as well... if I ever dare try them at home, that is. Otherwise I'm just prepping my lesson for this week (Abraham and Issac) and planning what to do with our tax return (major food storage shopping spree) and keeping busy with lots of doctor visits (blegh). Wanna play baseball?
Instead of sharing the pastry tips, you could share the pastries, let me know if you want my address-haha:)
that's a great comic! have fun at your pastry class!
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