Friday, February 5, 2010

_________ is a warm gun

My friend Livi just did a giveaway where she asked everyone who entered what makes them happy. Like the big dork that I am, I didn't send her mine in time, but I've been thinking about it this morning and to me happiness is...
-Sitting in the stands at a Major League baseball game. Preferrably a Dodger game, but I'll take what I can get.

-Coming into the living room to dress Av in her PJs and finding this...

She made herself a bed in front of the heater to get warm after her shower. So cute.

-Cuddling on the couch with Klayton and a good movie/TV show/book (our latest TV addiction: White Collar on USA).

-Feeling the baby kick (and punch and pretty much have a dance party in my belly).

-Curling up with a good book that I can't put down. Then passing that book along to friends.

-The Beatles. Muse. Jay-Z [edited]. Prince. Foo Fighters.

-Riding my pink bike.

-Road trips with my family.

-The gospel.

-Making plans with Klayton for our future.

There are a thousand others I am sure, but these are a few of my favorite things. Thanks for brightening my outlook today, Livi!

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