Saturday, May 3, 2008

twilight again

last night i (somewhat pathetically) stayed up until 4am re-reading Stephenie Meyer's masterpiece, Twilight. i opened it (for the 6th or 7th time) around 11pm last night (Klayton took a waiting shift and was at work until 2am!) intending only to read until drowsiness took hold of me. unfortunately, i was hooked (as usual) and i couldn't put it down. seriously, books like this aren't the most eloquent or whatever, but it is a must-read.

ANYONE who is reading this post who hasn't picked up this book for whatever reason must do it now. i command you. last summer when my sister-in-law, Mandy, handed me a book with a black cover and started going on and on about how great it was, i was intrigued. then she said the word. the dreaded silly word that still makes me slightly embarrassed to be such a fan of this book... vampires. suddenly i was bummed -- now i had to read this crazy book so i could lie to Mandy about how cool i thought it was so i wouldn't hurt her feelings by saying, "VAMPIRES!? LAME!!!!" i even made super fun of it to my friend, maria (who is now as big a fan as i am - muahaha). by the way, don't know why i was so skeptical. hello- Harry Potter is my boyfriend!! and what's more lame than wizards and crap? anyway, read it. i double-dog dare you. HP too, if you haven't picked that up (aka you've been living under a rock. the really gross, smelly kind).

also, re-reading this book got me curious about the movie goings-on, and i came across this sweet little sneak peak at the Twilight movie (comes out this December). ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out here...
ALSO i realized this morning that her new book (not in the twilight series) THE HOST comes out this week! double joy! i declare this week Stephenie Meyer Week. get on board or i will send a scary vampire after you. i mean it.


Chadster and Brittster said...

Im going to pick it up, I mean it was you who got me hooked to Harry Potter despite a year of me making fun of you! To return the favor I recommend the Eragon series and the Golden Compass series (just don't see the movies). They have kept me sane since there are no Potter books to look forward to anymore.

Livi said...

I ahve a book I want to suggest to you as well but I can't remember the name of it - (its about vampires too and is not lame...) its called the historian or something. I loved it and was terribly hooked.

Melissa Braegger said...

I watched the mtv clips and my heart started beating so fast and I got super hot and bothered. Is that normal? I'm so excited for the movie to come out:)