avery playing at melissa's house. she had a blast chasing mckenna and the dogs around. we stayed at melissa's until avery got sick! it was awful to leave, but we still got to see them lots. i love those guys so much!

mckenna and spencer have the same birthday, and avery and i got to celebrate with mckenna and her family! here's my cousin, jessie, with the girls.

mckenna ate every last bite of birthday cake!


once my family got into town, avery was lavished with attention every second. she misses them all a ton already.
mckenna and spencer have the same birthday, and avery and i got to celebrate with mckenna and her family! here's my cousin, jessie, with the girls.
chris (melissa's husband) and mckenna waiting for the candles to light!
mckenna ate every last bite of birthday cake!
once my family got into town, avery was lavished with attention every second. she misses them all a ton already.
grandma and avery
congrats spencer!!
mallory came with us to the airport to see avery and i off. she leaves for england in a few weeks and i'mma miss her.
of course, i didn't get any pictures of melissa and i (we are always the ones taking the pictures!), but it was really sweet of she and chris to put us up for a few days. they have a gorgeous home and mckenna is so sweet. melissa is supermom for sure and it was great to get all of her good kiddie tips. yay for family! i can officially say that i am not going to travel for as long as i can help it. this trip wore me out! it's good to be home!!
1. spencer is so stinkin cute.2. your mom looks really pretty3. i loove avery.4. can we pleeeease meet up for lunch.oh and5. you are SUPERMOM
I'm old too, I poo my pants whenever I see Spencer, Mall, and Snack. I didn't know Spencer was in Phoenix, my family was up here when you were down there, that's funny...I'm just about to start the vampire book, I place a hold at the public library for it and it must be hot because it took like 3 weeks to come! This better be good!
Whatever you are super mom and I am so sorry that you guys had to leave although it was probably best because McKenna and I have the stomach flu. It was so great to see you and Avery. I'm sure by the time we are at the beach she will be walking if not very close to walking, she is such a go getter. McKenna also told me in baby language that she misses Avery-how sweet
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