ANYONE who is reading this post who hasn't picked up this book for whatever reason must do it now. i command you. last summer when my sister-in-law, Mandy, handed me a book with a black cover and started going on and on about how great it was, i was intrigued. then she said the word. the dreaded silly word that still makes me slightly embarrassed to be such a fan of this book... vampires. suddenly i was bummed -- now i had to read this crazy book so i could lie to Mandy about how cool i thought it was so i wouldn't hurt her feelings by saying, "VAMPIRES!? LAME!!!!" i even made super fun of it to my friend, maria (who is now as big a fan as i am - muahaha). by the way, don't know why i was so skeptical. hello- Harry Potter is my boyfriend!! and what's more lame than wizards and crap? anyway, read it. i double-dog dare you. HP too, if you haven't picked that up (aka you've been living under a rock. the really gross, smelly kind).
also, re-reading this book got me curious about the movie goings-on, and i came across this sweet little sneak peak at the Twilight movie (comes out this December). ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out here...http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?id=1585900&vid=226476
ALSO i realized this morning that her new book (not in the twilight series) THE HOST comes out this week! double joy! i declare this week Stephenie Meyer Week. get on board or i will send a scary vampire after you. i mean it.
Im going to pick it up, I mean it was you who got me hooked to Harry Potter despite a year of me making fun of you! To return the favor I recommend the Eragon series and the Golden Compass series (just don't see the movies). They have kept me sane since there are no Potter books to look forward to anymore.
I ahve a book I want to suggest to you as well but I can't remember the name of it - (its about vampires too and is not lame...) its called the historian or something. I loved it and was terribly hooked.
I watched the mtv clips and my heart started beating so fast and I got super hot and bothered. Is that normal? I'm so excited for the movie to come out:)
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