My baby is one year old on Friday!!! Where has the time gone?

Carter is THIS CLOSE to walking, loves to chatter and say WEEEEEE!!! on the swings and slide and while dancing. She is my little thrill-seeker for sure. She is bouncy and always in a good mood (except for when she's not) and she is the loudest baby on the planet!! We love her so much. In fact, we are throwing her a big ol' first birthday bash in a couple of weeks while we are at the beach in Southern California with my family. It is going to be amazing!! Here is a teensy sneak-peek...

That's right, we are going CARTERMANIA on this first birthday!! I am so excited. Pics to come for sure. Until then we are going to be here working and waiting and counting down... Oh! And loving life with this little sweet Beatles fan (though she doesn't know it yet).
what a darling girl! so cute. she is growing up so fast.
you'll be in southern CA?! i'd love to see you!
Oh my gosh, she's seriously one? That blows me away!
Great theme, the pics/artwork are awesome!
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