Last Saturday we threw Avery's third birthday party in our backyard! I wasn't quite sure how it was going to turn out. I mean, usually this sort of thing is my favorite! But at 35 weeks pregnant, technically still on bed rest, waddling around after 10 kids and trying to cook and bake and all of that stuff really wasn't going to happen. So this year we scaled it down a little, inviting only family and a few close friends, and I let Baskin Robbins to the baking. Doing that, along with my saint of a mother coming from Las Vegas for the weekend and taking over just about everything else, made the party a huge success! ...Oh, and one other thing. Klayton got the idea about a month ago to my super talented LP, Ashley, and asked her to help him make a DJ Lance Rock costume! Without telling me! I knew he was up to something, but I seriously had NO IDEA what! When he showed up dressed as DJ Lance I thought Avery was going to faint! The best part (besides the perfection of the costume! Seriously, they went all-out!) was that Avery had no idea it was her dad, even though DJ Lance looks like this:
and Klayton looks like this: 
Klayton and Ashley's surprise made it the coolest third birthday that any kid could ask for! There was a pinata shaped like DJ Lance's Boom Box, lunch, cake, presents (including an amazing new swing set from Grandma and Grandpa Clark! Avery is obsessed), games, Dancey-Dance Time... the works! Avery had an amazing time, and so did her cousins. I can't believe she's three!!! Here are some more pictures from the party. Enjoy!

happy birthday avery!
what a guy!!! klayton is the best. such a fun idea.
Awesome birthday! How fun! :-)
Sorry we couldn't be there-it looked awesome. That is so funny that Avery thought Klayton was the real DJ Lance Rock. Although, he does look a little more tan:) I hope you're doing well and I can't wait to meet Tietjen baby #2. We are going to be in the Ogden area at the beginning of August and I want to come see you guys. I'm not sure how far away from there you are but we will make the trek. We'll discuss the details later. Rest and relax now. Do you have the book Babywise? I have done it with McKenna and Adeline and it has worked wonders. Adeline started sleeping 10-12 hours at night at 3 months. Read it if you haven't especially if you're planning on breastfeeding the new baby. Love ya. FYI the book talks about formula feeding too but the section about breastfeeding helped me to understand what my body was going through and how it would work the first couple of weeks:)
wow! avery has the coolest parents ever.
happy birthday to her!
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