Tomorrow is a very special day- it's my parent's
27th Wedding Anniversary! Twenty-seven years ago tomorrow my parents were sealed for eternity to each other in the Los Angeles Temple! They always told us when we were kids that the sealer told them that their children were watching them in the temple that day, grateful that they were making that covenant with each other and Heavenly Father. I can't tell you what I was thinking then, but I can tell you now, from this end of twenty-four years of being a part of their family, that I am so glad that they did. They have been an amazing example to me throughout my life, and I'm especially grateful that I have their example still. I am trying to model my family after their example of love for each other, for their kids and for the Gospel, but it's not easy. I have some seriously big shoes to fill. They have had some seriously big changes in the last few years- dad's a Bishop of the Singles Ward now and my mom is now a mom to 200+ Singles (and if it was up to them they'd never EVER be released), Mall got married and moved to England, Adam moved to Portland, Spencer just moved back home and Zach is a year away from HS Graduation- but they are still there making it look easy.
Anyway, I just had to say Yay for them! They are amazing and I love them so much.

1 comment:
Wowza. That is an amazing story about the temple. And yeah for Atlantis! What a fun place. Mandy you're the coolest I ever met.
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