Wednesday, January 21, 2009

sucker punch

Well... hmm, how to phrase this delicately...
I got duped. There's no two ways about it. When my dewy-eyed Young Women (I'm YW Second Counselor in my ward) asked me if I would be a leader on their upcoming camp-out, I readily agreed (I want them to think I'm cool and up for anything, right?). WRONG.
They were serious about the up-coming part. We went camping OUTSIDE on January 2nd. In the mountains. In the snow. I don't know if you are understanding this. I slept in a TENT in the SNOW in the MOUNTAINS for a whole NIGHT.
Let's just say that I will never, EVER do that again. I love my Young Women, and we may have had a leetle fun, but it was sooo no worth it.
Ashley was my only consolation. She is the 1st Counselor and 17 days older than me and we've become fast-friends. We have too much fun talking about Twilight and being silly and I love her tons already. Check out our silly SNOW camping pics.


Kristine said...

YOU ARE CRAZY! but way to fulfill your calling.

ps you are the coolest yw leader ever!

Mickie Ann said...

WOW !! You are all very brave!!! I don't think I would go camping in the snow.... living in it is hard enough!! At least you can now say you have done it!!

Matt said...

that oughta teach you.
you just want to serve and contribute a little, and - Biff! - right in the kisser.