Klayton and I watched Rebel Without a Cause the other night, and I loved it. I haven't seen that movie since I was in high school, but it really is outstanding. If you are looking for a movie to watch, check this one out at your local library (guaranteed to have it and it's free!).
I also had a pretty fun time comparing my little Av to Natalie Wood in this movie. Not her character, but her looks. My brother, Adam, loves comparing Av to Audrey Hepburn, his favorite old movie star, but with Avery's curly-at-the-ends hair, she totally looks like more like Nat to me. Check out the pics of Audrey and Natalie (and Avery!) and see for yourself. And, no, it was not a coincidence that I picked pictures of these two ladies with my favorite leading men of all time.
One more thing that I couldn't help but reflect on (after I drew a line from Natalie to Avery) is how much the word REBEL applies to my life right now. Avery discovered "NO." this last week. "Avery, did you sleep well?" (my usual question when Avery wakes up) is now answered by "NO." instead of her usual "Peep wew". When I told my mom that I was now in the "NO." phase of parenting, she replied, "Get used to it. This phase never ends."
good call on rebel w/o a cause I really ahould check that out also that is a really cute pic of avery
I love avery!! She is so cute!
And I cannot WAit! To see you guys!!! Hooray! I don't know if you have my numero...425-941-5634....but give us a call whenever you want to hang! Love ya!
Avery totally looks like Natalie-so Beautiful. McKenna told me no mama a couple of weeks ago and I was so proud of her then I realized she just told me no-what are you going to do? Love ya
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